Indiana Systems of Care
Indiana is actively working to improve the access to and quality of behavioral and mental health services for youth and families. DMHA's mission is "to ensure that Indiana citizens have access to quality mental health and addiction services that promote individual, family and community resiliency and recovery.” A state priority intended to assist communities in reaching this goal is expansion of evidence-based practices and the adoption of a System of Care strategy to behavioral and mental health service delivery in Indiana.

The Mission of Indiana Systems of Care:
The System of Care Governance for the state of Indiana will provide leadership, policy recommendations, and technical assistance to support communities in the development and sustainability of their local system of care.
Long Term Strategic Goals:
The state’s overall, long-term strategic goals to improve its System of Care (SOC) include the following:
Develop and endorse a single, statewide definition and application of a comprehensive, effective, SOC for youth and families in Indiana.
Establish a state-level SOC governance board, including statewide representation, which will ultimately provide the leadership, policy recommendations, and technical assistance needed to support communities in developing and sustaining their local SOC.
Decrease barriers to service delivery and the feeling of service silos for families trying to access mental health treatment services for youth in their communities.
Increase the availability and utilization of evidenced-based practices to promote positive youth and family outcomes.
Increase cultural and linguistic competency in service delivery and reduce disparities in access, service use, and outcomes.
Identify and fill gaps in service and additional behavioral health needs for all youth.
Increase provider and agency accountability to the youth and families served.
Increase the number of and access to local family and peer support groups and programs within communities.
Develop a comprehensive evaluation plan to monitor outcomes and SOC progress in order to create a feedback loop for system and performance improvement.
Create an integrated approach to mental illness and substance abuse treatment, prevention, early identification and intervention services and programs.
Link Indiana’s behavioral health initiatives with SAMHSA’s Trauma and Justice Recovery Support and Health Reform Strategic Initiatives.
Feel empowered to develop a collaborative system of care that meets the unique mental illness and substance use treatment and support needs of their families. Each community’s system of care will be built upon a foundation of family strengths, local provider expertise and community resources.
Create a coordinated, comprehensive network of services and supports that are youth-guided and family-driven, easily accessed and uniquely tailored to meet the needs and preferences of youth and families.
Communities will...

Believe they can easily access mental illness and substance use treatment and support services that are provided in a cohesive, coordinated way that reduces service silos between providers, addresses and works to eliminate experiences of isolation and increases hope for the future.
Feel important, valued, understood and an integral part of their family member’s journey of care.
Families will...

Feel fully engaged in leading their plans to wellness.
Know about, seek and receive community-based services and supports that are available to meet their challenges, enhance their strengths and improve the quality of their lives.
Youth will...